About us

Vairocana International Buddhist Meditation Center

About us

Vairocana International Buddhist Meditation Center
  • About us

About us

About us

Who are we?

Abbot Ven. Jawoo Sunim

I¡¯m Jawoo Sunim (sunim: a Buddhist nun or monk in Korean) and I was ordained in 1993. I worked in Indonesia as a head nun of the Korean temple in Jakarta. In 2002 I was appointed as a International Dharma instructor by korean buddhist Jogye order.
I created this temple in 2006 for international practitioners.

I write articles for Buddhist newspapers and give lectures for monks and nuns but also lay people, in Korean and in English.

I enjoy walking in the mountain near the temple,I like meeting all kind of people ( especially those who want to practice the mind).
I like to give presents to kids in order to see their happy faces...

E-mail : jawoo7777@hanmail.net

Ven. Mujin Sunim

I was born in Canada and grew up in many different places.
I attended the University of Geneva, Switzerland 1968-1971 where I studied Psychology and the Pedagogy under Prof.
Jean Piaget.I was ordained under Ven. Ananda Maitreya Maha Nayaka Thero in 1976. In 1985 I took Bhikkuni precepts in Korea under Ven. In-hong Sunim.
I founded Lotus Lantern International Buddhist Centre in 1987 in Seoul and Popkye-sa in Switzerland in 2005.
Since 2008 I have been running a small foundation which engages in all kinds of charitable works. My main interests are training and living Buddhism in the modern world.

E-mail : mujin@me.com

Seon Gyu, Kim

Hello, I`m the office manager of this temple.
I'm from Seoul and I usually do bowing practice after working on the recommendation of Jawoo Sunim. This practice makes my life more balanced little by little. I hope you get a chance to change your life like me.
I live with a little parrot, called Chorock and my favorite hobby is taking a artistic painting class in this center

E-mail : jakodepre@naver.com

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42, Hongjenae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

|TEL : +82-2-6012-1731
(C) Vairocana International Buddhist Meditation Center. All Rights Reserved.